Wednesday, August 22, 2018

3D Printed No Frills ipad and Utility Holder

Above: Full design shown in profile.
Challenge: Student wanted to independently produce a combination iPad stand and storage unit that could be created as a first project independently. 
Background: This student was developing the idea of 3D Printing having seen numerous examples in the classroom.   She was not a student who had previously worked on a project.  The student is nine years old.   The shapes with the design were straightforward given that she was looking to produce something original that was workable.   On discussion with the teacher the student made the decision to include their name across the lip of the iPad stand.   Again it was a basic lettering task from the main Tinkercad interface which was very straightforward and allowed the student to easily produce it. 
Level of Difficulty: Medium - the dimensions of the design needed to work to complete the process.
Time frame: Nineteen hours.   Given the combination of storage at the back of the iPad stand (which for stationary as shown is considerable) and the stand at the front this would be an excellent use of time.   The standard default settings of a 20% infill with the printer running a 8mm nozzle. 
Size:   The print consisted of two main pieces.   You had the rectangular design at the front for the iPad stand, this was 120mm across and and had a 20mm rectangular block.    The block at the back was 10mm thick and rose 130mm.   The lettering for the name was two mm from this base.   The final part of the design was the circular stationary holder at the back.   This had a basic circle shape and was 110mm high.
What we would do differently: Minimal the student was extremely thrilled with the result and as a consequence didn't want to revise or change anything.   The print was robust and workable.
Next steps for student: Having successfully completed the task without any revision required the student needs to challenge themselves to move onto other projects.

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