Design shown in profile prior to PLA final print removal |
Background: Student is attempting more complex designs with interlocking components and mixed coloured PLA (note - due to the printer that we are using the prints are being printed separately and then combined when complete). This student has had classroom experience, seen signs from others and created increasingly complex designs herself including the ultimate personal desk organizer.
Time frame: This was a significant print - eighteen hours. There was a large amount of rafting that had to be printed as part of the design which was then removed. This allowed the features of the Dolphin to remain showing the 'leaping' effect. You can see the original design with the rafting shown in the photograph to the right. Given the intention for the print, the dimensions of the print and details the obvious change in design would have been the block for the base of the design. This was 20mm in height, given that the student opted out of including a drawer in the design this could have been reduced, conceivably halved. All other default settings for the prints featured on this blog were similar - 20% infill, 8mm nozzle, Tinkercad and Ultimaker 2+.
Size: The base was 130mm long by 110mm deep. It had a depth of 20mm. The waves part of the design are 30mm high and a length of 100mm. The dolphin was 80mm long. There is a storage cavity built into the head of the dolphin which was 30mm across.
What we would do differently: The student was looking to use the waves and the fin of the dolphin to hang jewellery from. This could have been expanded on to have cylinders on the edges or other additional options for storage.
Next step for students: The student is in the process of creating additional lettering to feature on the basis of the design to meet the mixed PLA brief. The student needs to next tackle storage internally in the base.
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