Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Y3 Junior 3D Printing in the Classroom

Challenge: Introduction to 3D Printing for a junior classroom, a project for a beginner to complete.

Background: There are a range of skills in the classroom from students who have worked with Tinkercad and 3D Printing, from the students who were in the classroom for 2023 and those who are involved and creating for the first time.

One of the very easiest designs, and a very positive starting point for students is to create a locket.   This task has been detailed before and we have been revisiting it again.   It is a task the requires one step in addition to choosing a template from the main interface.   The example that is provided here has come from a student with no experience who has set a goal and being able to achieve it.   You can read the details of the project here when it was last completed in March 2023.

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