Sunday, May 26, 2024

Special Projects: Page Update

On this blog, this year, you may have notices a slight change with some of the content.   Previously the blog was dedicated solely to the work of the student, and some staff, related to the use of 3D Printers at our school.  As time has evolved (as the first posts on this blog date back ten years) the school has continued to update some of its technology which the students are using in addition to the 3D Printers.  

We have thus included tabs that involve some of the other technology that our students are using including our industrial laser cutter, the sticker machine and exemplars from special event days, like our market day.

Recently we have included links to some of our major project work.   This is chiefly been created by students working with our amazing AV man at school Jason Bloor.  This is a link to his youtube page.

Our special event project for this term is to have our Step Master Dance Machine Competition.   This machine was built as a special project with our students, and the videos created were also worked on by out students.   The videos work in conjunction with the machine, so the students are dancing, and the videos of the step master are featuring our school and students in a range of original material.

Last year, we held a livestream dance competition where students battled against each other and we streamed the event live at our school.  This was similar to the Virtual Pinball Competitions which we have run for the past six years.    We have a competition day when we commentate as the students compete against each other.   The video below is the link to last years competition.

We will be holding this years competition with increased divisions (such as a junior group as we have students as young as six on the machine!) a Boys specific competition and also a staff version.

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