Tuesday, May 21, 2024

3D Printed Stationary Holder Advanced V2

Challenge: For a confident Y3 student to develop his skills further with a more complicated design with independent created elements.

Background: Once confidence has been gained, once a student has shown and attitude to design and create the next stage for them is to work on something that is unique and that has a purpose.   While some of the students have opted for complicated designs involving aspects of it working with another element (such as the pencil sharpener holders, detailed on this blog and featured here) there are a group of students who are moving towards their own next step.

In this instance the student here has designed a stationary holder.  The elements that are shown on the left are created by students using the main Tinkercad interface.   The base is a rectangle shape, the cylinder and text are basic shapes.   The student brought this design to the teacher and the teacher then challenged the student to look at creating something additional for the design.  The student made the decision to create a figure to further enhance the design.  This figure was created by the student and placed in the front right hand side of the design.

When completed the decoration was completed by the student having it spray painted (supervised by a senior student from our school) with two differing colour.  The student when the painting was still wet then made the decision to scatter glitter over the design which was then stuck to the design when it dried.   

Level of Difficulty: Medium the basic shapes were easily identified and applied.  The difficulty of the design was further and significantly increased by the creation and addition of the figure.

Size: The design measured 70mm across and was 70mm high.  The cylinder that was the main storage of the holder was 90mm high and the figure was 60mm.

Timeframe: Eight hours.  There is some scope to change this on the basis of the student making changes to the design, to increase the size of the base.

What we would do differently/next steps for the students: The student concerned was initially a bit disappointed with the dimensions of the project, thinking that it would be larger and therefore able to contain more material.   However once the student had started using it for its purpose he found that it was able to contain a significant number of items.   He also decided that he could have altered the figure to hold a further item such as an eraser.     He wanted to look at its dimensions.

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