Thursday, May 16, 2024

3D Printed Mini Labels

Challenge: For a student in the classroom to look at creating a label, making use of the printer to produce something that is functional but also minimal.

Background: We have the printers currently set with a smaller nozzle at the moment to include more detail in the print, which as a consequence is making some of the larger prints are taking longer than expected.   We challenged one of the new capable students to go in the other direction and look to produce something that would be smaller, allowing more detail to be put into the print.     The student as they are developing their skills approached Tinkercad, used a pre-made basic shape and then simply added their name to it.  A very basic two step process.   However it had the desired affect and enabled the student to print multiple copies of the same print in a short space of time.

The final step once the printing was completed to look at an effective and quick way in which the print could be decorated.  For this the Y3 student enlisted the help of a senior student from our school who is Y8 and they were able to undertake the spray painting process.

Level of Difficulty: Low.  This was designed as a brief introductory challenge where the process was to be judged by something simple, achievable that could be completed independently.

Size: The print measured 30mm long, was 30mm high and was 10mm thick.   Potentially this could have been made smaller or thinner, obviously an advantage was the number of letters in the students name, the size of letter was probably the minimal possible to ensure that it was still legible.

Timeframe: Sixty minutes.   There was the potential for this to be reduced by using a smaller thickness of the print which was completed at 10mm.    However the student enjoyed that aspect of the design and there was no question of how robust it was.

What we would do differently/Next steps for the students: Nil.   This project was completed within a short time frame, the objective was achieved and no alterations or changes were made for the student or the project.

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