Saturday, October 15, 2016

3D Printed Christmas Decorations

Silhouette of decoration selected for printing
Challenge: For the students to create original Christmas decorations suitable for hanging from a Christmas tree.    Students to personalise them by adding their name to the decorations or the name of the person that they want to gift them too.
Background: In this instance we were looking for a follow up activity to the 'Cookie Cutter' design task that would combine a task that would be realistic for the class to complete individual projects and they would be further able to develop the skills that they had learnt following the steps - students were to be given no assistance in converting a file to an SVG file, as this was to reinforce their learning from the previous lesson.
Above: Converted to Cura Software
Task: Students to design from scratch a decoration, selecting an image or silhouette and then converting this from a screenshot into an SVG file which could be then loaded into Tinkercad (see previous lesson).
Level of Difficulty: Low - students were given no assistance to complete the task as it was in essence a repeat of previous task, however the addition of the personalisation was discussed as well as the process of how to complete it.
Above: Print in progress
Issues: This is a project that will will result in 25 prints from students and this should reinforce the work the students have been completing - there will be considerable variation from each project although ultimately the goal is for each student to complete a piece.
Size: As above there is considerable variation in size.  We will be completing a slideshow that features all of the prints with details about each of them relating to size - the example in this case was 5cm in height and 10cm in length.
Timeframe: As mentioned - the 'sleigh' print shown in this post was a 90 minute print on normal setting.
Process: Students selected an image that met the expected criteria of being a silhouette outline.  Students then converted the file to an SVG format which allowed the file to be uploaded into Tinkercad.  Once it was checked for suitability the print was then downloaded for 3D Printing and converted into Cura Software suitable for printing on the Ultimaker 2.
Note: a Google Slide of this process will be completed shortly that will feature a number of prints in this series/task.  While the original prints are being completed with a regular filament the finished products will be completed with a Glow-In-The-Dark Filament.

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