Sunday, May 15, 2016

3D Printed Robotic Car

The original kit that inspired the task
3DPrintCar2016 - Kizoa Video Editor - Movie Maker
This project involved the teacher creating his own version of this car. It was inspired by an original Arduino Kitset. The kitset (completed) could be ordered online in its entirety - however the task was created to create one from scratch and 3D Print it.  The exception was the car components.  These were ordered online from a New Zealand supplier for a price of $11.80.   The pieces were then printed in stages and put together to produce the final piece.

Learning Challenge: Utilizing the 3D Printer to produce a kitset car that would work to complement the motor part of the kitset (see below).   The parts needed to ensure that the motor would work.
Level of Difficulty: As a prototype the teacher wanted to complete the task first.  In addition to the regular parts of the car additional parts to house the additional components and features needed to be made and constructed.  This has been intended as a practise run before the students complete the task.
Issues: The axel space around the wheels was not clear enough which led to a restriction in the movement.  In future print runs this area of the car would need to be addressed to allow it to move freely.
The New Zealand kitset version
Timeframe: Fourteen hours for the base, twelve hours for the front bumpers and an additional twenty hours for the remaining parts of the car.  This car was printed on the 'fast/draft' setting as it was a prototype - there was concern that it would be robust enough to handle the task of the car running however this is not the case.
Size: Twenty five centimetres in length and fifteen centimetres across.
Moving Forward: The intention with this task is for the students to complete the task individually and produce their own version of this project.

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