Tuesday, September 10, 2024

3D Printing with Rainbow Options - Revisiting Previous Projects


Traditionally the projects on this blog created and printed by students over the last ten years have featured a base filament (colour) which we have then spray painted for affects, colour and details.

Recently we have noticed as I am sure many of you have that the there have been a range of prints appearing with rainbow or multi-colours that have come directly from the PLA.

We have previously experimented with glow-in-the-dark filament, which we found to be a little challenging in particular when we then returned to more regular projects.

Recently we revised this approach.  We have located a range of rainbow filament which has different layers and shading to it and have started experimenting with it.

While some aspect of the difference in the print is shown in the photograph this has added some depth and colour to the prints.

We have revisited some of our more popular prints included the flexible kiwi, shown left or some of our name tags and badges shown above.

There is no current deviation for the temperature for the printer required and the filament appears to be as robust as ever, ensuring the stability of the students projects.

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