Saturday, August 10, 2024

Combination Work: Tinkercad and Magic Camera (Pic Collage)


Using Tinkercad we have students who have developed, created and worked on a variety of 3D Designs.

While the focus for our classroom has typically been 3D Printing we have also discovered that there are some prints, when run through filters or worked in conjunction with other apps or programs can enhance what would be a potential project.

A project that we are going to run through is shown here on the left.  This is the original Tinkercad design, created by a student who is a Y3 student meaning that they are seven years old.  They have started experimenting with 3D Design, specifically using Tinkercad on an iPad to create a series of designs, some of which have been featured in posts for this year on this blog.

This year we discovered that Pic Collage, one of our key design iPad Apps has had an update where an option for 'Magic Cam/Camera'.  

This option allows a filer to be placed over either an existing photo (ie one one the camera roll) or a photograph that has just been taken.  It is a simple matter for our students to take a screenshot in Tinkercad, save it to the camera roll on the iPad and then import it into Pic Collage to apply the filter.  For anyone who has the app there are three options.   The first is 'watercolour' as shown left, which can in a single click apply the filter as shown - it allows junior school students to enhance their design and the students enjoy looking at how the image has changed with the adjustments which are automatically made.

The results of the Magic Cam/Pic collage 'Festive Filter' can be seen on the left.   Again this is a single filter selection which is applied to the image, which within a few seconds adds aspects to the design which are not previously present.  Aspects such as the lighting can be seen clearly in the photograph shown left, there is the addition of plants where they are not present previously, 

Again students have the opportunity to compare the original designs, and see how the app in this case Piccollage, once they also start using the different filers available the students can then compare them against each other to see what they prefer.

The final filer that is now freely available is the 'Cherry Blossom' filter.  Again if you look at the original screenshot from Tinkercad there are elements in this example that again have been highlighted and focussed on, while other elements have not been altered compared to the Festive Filter as shown above.

Finally, as we will also demonstrate shortly there are significant and further options available from the main Tinkercad interface to further develop the 3D models.   

We have also used these images to combine them with presentations and other media format.

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