Wednesday, July 24, 2024

3D Printed Junior Earrings Design: Part Two - More complex and Revision

Background: We detailed the process yesterday and shared that we were looking at producing a range of designs from a class of students (the class of students being currently twenty seven students in the classroom).   The details of which are similar.

Design Shown Left: a heart design with an 's' linked into the bottom of the design.  The design was 20mm across and 40mm high.  The prints took forty minutes to print for both,   The depth of the prints is currently 5mm.  The revision part of the process is going to come when the student looks to hang the designs from a hook.   Once this has been completed the student is intending to look at decoration of the prints by spray painting them, and then the project will be completed.  This was completed independently by a Y4 student who is 3D Printing for the first time, using Tinkercad.

Design Left: A pair of cow designs.  In this example the student used the knowledge that she had gained as part of our School Market Day from 2023 when she ran an earring business.  Initially she was looking at key rings, but made the decision to pivot to earrings at the last minute, resulting in a much smaller print time and a business that sold all of its items.   You can read the details of the project here, or view the material related to our School Market Day here.

These designs, shown left measured 60mm across were 30mm high and were 5mm thick.   Based on her experience from last year the student made the decision to have two different circles for the attached earring loop which would hang slightly differently.   The print took just over thirty minutes to print.  These prints were produced by a Y4 student (eight years old) who has worked extensively with the 3D Printers over the last year on a variety of projects and ideas and is able to show a high level of capability.

Design Left: Student who wanted to show off her design skills and created the matching pair shown left.  The design was completed from Tinkercad main interface and was based around three distinct shapes.

The design measured 30mm across and the student intends to use spray painting to apply a level of decoration to the print.   The print took thirty minutes with the size at present.    

The student completed this design and project independently in under ten minutes and was able to present these to the teacher for printing.   This student is a Y4 student at our school who has used 3D Printers now for a year and half and produced a number of creative and innovative projects based around her work.   

Some of the designs that have been created are requiring adjustment.  While we have encouraged the students to show clear understanding of the sizing, there have still been examples of students who wanted to go big.   One of newer students, being a Y3 student who is printing for the first time this year produced this earring which was intended as a gift for his sister.   The earring at present measures 70mm across and is 60mm high.  the print has a width of 10mm and the letter 'b' extends out a further 10mm from the base of the design.   The student wanted to work with these dimensions but it was unsure of the size being an issue.  When the print was completed, and came in at the forty minute mark the student still felt that they were making something that would be successful, however based on the feedback that he has received he is now looking at revising the dimensions of the design to ensure that it is more pratical.

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