Tuesday, June 25, 2024

3D Printed Oversized Key Ring: Updating a post from 2018


In 2018 we printed an oversized key ring for the student PE shed at school.  We had trouble with this key being misplaced so as a result we printed a deliberately oversized key ring so it could not be put inside a pocket or left around.

You can read the original design post here.

We have recently been looking at some of our long term prints, and assessing the state which they are in such as tracking the prints that are exposed to the weather which are outside classroom numbering for the emergency evacuation.   We recently looked at this print six years after it was first created.   

We have students who are looking at various designs and as a result the PE Shed Key was identified as needing to be reimagined and reprinted by the students in the classroom.

The classroom design has been completed and has been and printed.  The design has followed the process of serving a purpose, so once again we have opted to deliberately over-size the key ring.   While this makes it impractical from a typical standpoint we were deliberately doing so as the intention is to ensure that it remains an item returned to the office. 

The students opted to include several sports themed items on the key ring, these typically are avoided as they tend to break or loosen overtime - in this instance the lettering is also a little higher than we would ideally produce, however it was designed by the students and we wanted them to create something which they could test and we could use.
The dimensions of this print are unusually large - we made it 160mm across and 90mm high.  The lettering stood out 10mm as did the sports equipment.   The base of the print was 10mm thick - while these could have been reduced to make it more manageable it was done for the reasons listed.  The print time of ten hours was reflected in this.   Finally we will be monitoring this print and how it works in the medium term.  There are elements on the print that may need to be evaluated.   Finally - the retired key was not retired due to any faults with the design, it was still in existence and working six years after it was first printed, and has been used multiple times every school day since then.   

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