Saturday, November 4, 2023

Laser Cut Project Ideas: Market Day Coasters

Challenge: To produce an item that can be sold by students to. the local community as part of our school Market Day 2023.

Background: One of the challenges for the students is balancing originality, design and students taking part in a process where they create something that ticks all the boxes.

These designs were created by a Y7 (11 year old) student who is experienced with the use of the Laser Cutter (this will be featured in detail in a seperate post about the hardware that is available).

The student in this case followed a simple project they identified a series of images or patterns that were online and free available.  As they were targeting several specific interests, such as a football team, the student located the logo of the team and used that.  

They then imported the images into Gimp for the image manipulation and then converted them for laser cutting.

The speed of the laser cutting into MDF meant that the time for each cut including the engraving on the design was 3-4 minutes so the entire sheet of designs shown left took less than half an hour.  

The design are shown as they have been removed from the laser cutter.  To seal them the student has the option of applying a sealant or an undercoat and then potentially spray painting the designs.   The student was able to complete the entire process from design to printing, removing and preparation in an afternoon.   They are then going to bundle these designs into groups for the selling on school Market Day.  The pricing of the designs is up to the student by using MDF for the designs instead of a more expensive wood (such as a bamboo) which is perfectly adequate for the designed purpose.    

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