Thursday, May 18, 2023

3D Printed Flexi-Animals: Juniors

Challenge: For students to create an original flexi-animal

Background: Previously one of the students had produced a long series of flexi animals that were featured on this blog.   The student is still present at our school, as a senior and we looking for ways for her to pass her skills on other students including the Y3 and Y4 students (seven year olds and eight year olds) in my classroom.

While the process potentially was a bit daunting by providing flipped video content (which we intend to potentially to make available to the wider community) the students were able to follow a process.   The process was a little complicated however the end process as shown in the photographs with this post are considered to be extremely successfully, with a student who is a Y4 student able to independently produce a range of prints.

A rabbit was chosen by the student for the first attempt and also allowing the student to question their design, the second version is shown to the right, so the student was able to complete the first print, evaluate it, discuss it and then look at creating the second print shown next to it.    Details changed included the adding of linking into the ears and shortening the distance between the links.

Size: The print is currently standing at 100mm long, has a main height of 50mm and a height from the foot to the ears at the front of 100mm.   The current design has been made 10mm thick.    

Timeframe: Two hours - there is some potential to modify this slightly however the basis between the size of the project, being able to play and manipulate the pieces and have the shape retained.

Level of Difficulty: High - this is not for the faint hearted.   The details of the print and the ability to have the joints and the sockets is something that took the students several attempts to master involving repeatedly referring to the videos that had been created and also sought the advice of the student who designed the original series.

What we would do differently/next steps for the students: The student is keen to continue to refine this basic (rabbit) design and then move onto other more challenging animal shapes.  She wants to further refine her linking until she considers that it is mastered.   This is an ongoing challenge for her (and a small group of students in the classroom as it is providing a viable opportunity to print 3D originals at a reasonable and creative level).

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