Thursday, December 8, 2022

3D Printed Mini Cactus Holder/Tray

Challenge: Student wanted to create a unique holder for a cactus cutting.

The student wanted a simple design, they had started to develop an interest in cactus growing and had started to propagate various plants.  To do so she wanted to be able to create and make a mini version of a pot plant holder to grow small versions to establish the plants.   Obviously this design would be easily accomplished so after further discussions with the student the student decided to add their name to the work, ensure that there was potential drainage for the propagation and create a dish to go with the design so that any excess water would be confined.    As a teacher the size of the project proved to be a bonus as it had a very reasonable print time for a two stage print, under two hours.

Level of Difficulty: Low - this was created in a series of simple steps by the student using Tinkercad and was produced quickly, other than challenging the student for additional details the print was perfected essentially on the second time that it was worked on.

The plate measured 50mm across.   The contained was slightly smaller at 40mm and had 10mm thick sides and was 20mm high.   To identify the print the student sunk their name into the side of the print so it did not require any additional printing.
Timeframe: Given the dimensions the print came in at under two hours.    The student is planning to resize the print on the basis that this will be too small, however it would also appear from researching online that these dimensions would not be impossible to start the propagation process (and at some locations are suggested) so we will have the student start the process and modify the size as needed.

Next Steps for the Student/What we would do differently: As noted size and potential to use this to scale up suitable for other plants, other than cacti.   Given the dimensions this would potentially work as a class project - given that you could produce a range of prints for a class and it wouldn't be impossible to do so given the time scale. 

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