Thursday, November 18, 2021

3D Printed Earrings - Six Minutes: Pacman Ghosts

Challenge: Earrings designed with a ghost theme - the ghost from Pac Man.

Background: This is a complimentary task from yesterday where the theme was continued.  Yesterdays print involved a Pac Man design that the student was creating for a earrings business.   With the task today she was looking to complement the design with something else - hence the use of the ghost from Pac Man.   All of the other details for this post are similar to yesterdays work - and therefore don't need to be repeated as such.

Level of Difficulty: Low - the student had the idea right from the start of the process was focussed on what she wanted to print and was able to articulate and work through a design process without any assistance from the classroom teacher whose job was simply to print the completed design.    As should be obvious but the subject choice lent itself to a minimum of detail.   

Size: At 30mm across this was one of the smallest prints that the student had attempted this however fitted in with the idea of having a small easily produced print that would serve a purpose.   The student opted to not make the earrings any biggest as a result.

Timeframe: Six minutes for the two earrings, which came in at three minutes each.

What we would do differently/next step for the students:  Once the student had completed the print the student decided to combine the pac man from yesterday with one of the ghosts into a set (instead of having two of each so one was chasing the other.   A key aspect of making this successful will be the decoration - the student is looking to locate a classic bright yellow spray and red for pac man and the ghost respectively.

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