Challenge: For novice 3D printing students to create something unique
Background: Following on from the previous print on this blog the students concerned wanted to create a personalised 3D Print for one of the members of staff. The staff member had particular design ideas and composition ideas that were bounced back between her and the students. The group of students having successfully completing the design of the print were then able to repeatedly meet with the person that it was designed for and receive feedback about its composition and design. This feedback was invaluable because it challenged the students to rework their design, check that they had completed the component pieces that were required and that their deisgn was sound. One of the key elements in Tinkercad for 3D Printing is to group elements of an object and this group of students twice printed letter that was not group requiring it to be redone. They also didn't think about the composition of the design, initially having universal lettering that didn't offer any variation as the final design did.

An example of not preparing the print correctly is shown on the left, as the 'McCarthy' part of the lettering is shown is disconnected from the main print. This would have an extremely short timeframe before you would expcet to be considerable damage to the lettering.
The intention in having the three different holes in the base of the design was to represent the three members of the particular whanau (family) that this is designed for. This print needs to undergo further work with that being focussed on spray painting and some affects. Again the person that the print has been designed for has specific ideas about this.
Level of Difficulty: Low - there are many versions of this project on this blog and many have been completed during the past few years, there is some difference, inclduding putting the holes into the design. The students involved in this project were Year Five students who were working on their 3D Print on the second attempt.
Size: The final design was 100mm across, 80mm high and 10mm high. The surname in the lettering was 7mm higher than the base and the Girls was 5mm above the base. The subtle difference between the two fonts created a significance point of difference with the lettering.
Timeframe: Two hours - about right for this print given that it was a two hour time frame. Given the overall purpose of the print the size of the print was determined by this.
What we would do differently: Nothing for this project. It allowed a group of students to create something specific for someone who is able to given them detailed feedback about the print meaning the students were able to rework and adapt the print.
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