Thursday, June 13, 2024

Refining and Reworking: Student Label

Challenge: To develop further 3D Printing skills and ideas from junior school.

Background: Following a basic design process with the juniors students in the classroom we have been challenging them by asking 'what can you do next?' 'how can you add details or depth to this print?' 

There have been a number of students in the classroom working on these projects and they have been featured on this blog.  In this instance the student wanted something to use and could mount on a wall at home.   

Level of Difficulty: Low.  There are three key elements on the design and then a further introduction of a hole to ensure that it could be potentially mounted, all these were completed independently by the student, the teachers role was simply to print the design when it was finished.

Timeframe: Two and a half hours.   The student wanted the dimensions from the size so it stood out.

Size: The dimensions of the print was 140mm wide and 140mm high.   The base of the print was 5mm thick the name was raised a further 5mm as was the star.

What we would do differently/next steps for the students: Nil - this was exactly what the student wanted, what the student had in mind and was completed and she was thrilled with the result.    

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