Thursday, June 13, 2024

3D Printed Dragon: Developing a 'Junior Unique Dragon'

Challenge: For student to create a original, detailed and unique 3D Printed Dragon.

Background: This is the follow up project following on from the unique smaller scale dragon that has previously featured on this blog.  While the student in this case has not completed the project she is working on multiple versions of the same family of dragons, her intention being when she has finished to have a complete family with a range of different characters.  She is a Y4 student who is developing her shapes.  She has a focus to complete this work so that she can complete the project before the end of the year as it is a major undertaking.   While she is more than aware of the multitudes of versions of dragons that are available online the student has spent a considerable amount of time wanting to put together her own completely unique and original range of dragons.   She has a large base of literature and illustrations and these have shaped her designs and ideas.   She has prototyped each one, then spent time identifying any problems that need correction, looked at an AR/VR version before taking the step to print.

The printing process also revealed a couple of points of weakness on her design that were not obvious or not able to be easily detected by viewing the computer generated version.

The student has taken onboard the feedback directed towards her, and as a result is currently reworking this design.   As with the smaller version she has been debating and looking at the mouth/face area in particular so she can complete it 'just right'.

Level of Difficulty: Hard.   This is a long term project but also one that requires refinement, detailing and introducing a range of solutions to the problems that have arisen by its creation.  This is going to continue to be refined and will take skill and patience until the student is satisfied with the final result.

Timeframe: Ten Hours.  This was a significant print that was designed to be detailed, to have significant size to it and have a number of feature areas that are going to be developed further.

Size:   The dimensions of the print measure 150mm long, is 120mm high in places and is 90mm across.  This is designed to be the biggest print in the range and therefore its dimensions are intended to dwarf the others.

What we would do differently/Next steps for the students: The student wants to redesign the front of the dragon as detailed and also wants to make the tail a counter balance by increasing its size and its weight.  The wings are a further area that the student has ideas about putting more details, designs and indentations into in the future.   This has developed into a real passion project for this student so the student is being encouraged in the instance of printing an earlier version which she can then use to guide further developments.

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