Saturday, August 3, 2024

Laser Cut: Storage Box


Challenge: Using the laser cutter to construct and personalise a storage box.

Background: This was created by a student who was working in our senior school with SketchUp and was creating an individualised storage box.  Our senior students are able to follow a series of flipped video content which allows them to follow a series of steps to construct the tabs to make the box.   When this has been happened the student then pops the laser cut design out of the MDF.   Following this the student needs to simply use PVA wood glue to hold the design in place until a time that the glue sets and the design is complete.   The personalisation of the design was completed by the addition of a area of particular interest to the person it was given to which was shown by being placed on the lid, as part of the design.

Level of Difficulty: Low this student was able to work independently by following teacher created video instructions.  The student was able to print the resulting print and independently put it together.  There was no teacher input provided to this task.

Timeframe: Five minutes to laser cut the design.

Size: box measures 160mm long,  was 80mm deep and 60mm high as shown in the photograph this produced a long thin box.

What we would do differently/next steps for the students: This print is ideal for producing something effectively and the laser cutter has the ability to decorate or personalise something.   There is a question of what additional parts could be added to this design, such as using the 3D Printer to produce a lock or a hinge to lock the lid in place.

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