Monday, July 1, 2024

Step by Step Guide: 3D Printed Flexible Animals


One of the most popular series of posts that we've featured on this blog revolved around our students looking at flexible animals, of which there are a number online.  One of our Y8 senior students who had a particular interest in 3D Printing then took it upon herself to teach herself the process on how to make the animals - and then also created a series of step by step how to videos for the purpose of sharing this creation and design work with our students.

Once the student had mastered this process they were able to apply the learning to a variety of animals, all of which followed a similar pattern. 

Following the success of this series of prints were developed the idea further by having students working on accessories for these animals as shown here.

These were key items that featured for sale in our school market day - which you can view by clicking on the link here.

You can few the process and the designs here.   While the student has now graduated from our school we have been able to retain the knowledge and have now a new group of students using these tutorials to perfect this design so the students work will continue.
The process was created in Google Slides if you want to have a copy of this slide or further information then you can email myself at

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