Wednesday, October 11, 2023

3D Printed Fennec Fox - Market Day 2023

Challenge: To make an original Fennec Fox model.

Background: With the school Market Day approaching later this school term one of the students wanted to use their interests in Fox to create an original 3D Print.   This example was fennec fox - which is somewhat famous for the size of its ears.  The student involved had researched the animal and used this as a basis for the design shown left.

This version of this fox was designed using the main interface of Tinkercad.   The entire design for the fox was made by selecting the different shapes and manipulating them to the desired size.   The overall affect allowed the student to create a 'cartoon' fox.   This is the first independent design for this student who is a Y4 from our school in New Zealand making them eight years old.

Level of Difficulty: Medium - This is not a completely free design because the student is basing their entire design on the recognition between the fox and the design that they have made.  It was discussed afterwards to use this process to create a fantastical creature.

Size: This is the prototype to see if the process will work and a design can be made.  This design dimensions are reflected in this.   The design measured 25mm across and was 35mm high with a height of 40mm.    A successful print at this stage would lead to potentially a bigger print in the future.

Timeframe: This print came in, including minimum rafting at ninety minutes.   There is minimum rafting (waste printing) to go with the print, some minor adjustments which is potentially 

What we would do differently/next steps for the students: Given the usual factors this has been extremely successful.   The student is thrilled with the result - however questions have arisen given the use of the design.  We have some Chess fanatics in the classroom they have realised already that the piece here is potentially able to be used.   

The other option potentially is to look at other games - either a small ring toss or a game of noughts and crosses (also referred to as Tic-Tac-Toe in some locations).    These options potentially need another animal to act as the counter - the student is researching what might be created or used to do this.

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