Tuesday, October 30, 2018

3D Printed Resource Stand

Above: Slots for holding the iPad shown.
Challenge: To use a commercial product with an iPad that currently did not meet the specifics of the holder that existed.   Students need to replicate and manufacture a commercial piece, adapting it to ensure that it worked better to meet the needs of the students at our school.
Above: The final print being tested.
Background: This product had been purchased by our school and used for learning in the classroom.   The product in particular is excellent and a high use item, however we have number of different size iPads being used in the classroom, particular in the junior classrooms.   Some of our students have their iPads in 'Life Proof' cases to protect their use.   As a result sometimes these iPads do not fit into the slot that is present with the stand that currently exists, or a removal of the cover etc is required for the device to function.  We set a task to the students of recreating this piece to ensure that it would work with a variety of iPads
and to consider the non-removal of the case.    The students had to re-create an existing piece, and then modify it.   A small challenge was that the device holds the iPad at an angle.   Using a protractor the students identified the angle as being a thirty degree angle.   There is a compass option on Tinkercad alllowing the creation of specific angles of design - the students utilized this to create a 'perfect' thirty degree angle for the 'hold' of the device, which testing showed subsequently worked perfectly as a result.   As a result the print served it purpose, allowing the commercial program to work perfectly, with more flexibility than had been the case with the single available hodler.
Level of Difficulty: Medium - there was an exisiting template to be followed which was set by the stand that the students were trying to create, and the print itself was bound by this, it also made the print slightly more complex because it narrowed the success of the project.   
Timeframe: Fifteen hours - we needed to have depth to the base so the iPad holder wouldn't tip, as it is intended for use primarily with junior students, which in New Zealand is five year olds.     Given that and the specifics of the print the time couldn't really be reduced by removing elements of the print, or reducing the infill (which was the standard twenty percent).   
Size - As mentioned the slot for holding the technology (in this case the iPads) was a thirty degree angle.   The base measure 185mm across, was 110mm deep and 20mm thick.   This was stretching the Ulitmaker 2+ to the largest width across possible.    The base was 20mm tall and thick. 
What we would do differently/next steps for students: The task was completed successfully and had a practical application for the device, which worked in conjunction.  Alternating the size of the holder would allow for differing devices, including those in Life Proof cases to be used with the technology.

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