Above: Design in profile |
Background: The student who designed this had input from a number of other students in the classroom who had completed similar projects. The student concerned wanted to learn from others and produce a project that would minimise the PLA required to complete the project, but also allow an iPad stand to be created, that would also allow the storage of considerable materials and stationary. In addition to this a strong personalisation would occur of the design which was created by the student featuring his name prominently in the design. The student completed this design and did so in exceptional circumstances - there was some slight Tinkering prior to completion. He changed his name to include a capital letter and it was centered more. He also reorientated the design to include more of it centred in the middle.
Level of Difficulty: High - to complete this print with the dimensions that were produced with minimum PLA used is extremely difficult. This student has a proven flair for design with what is essentially his first large scale project. He has had input from other students however the project and dimensions were extremely successful.
Above: Design in use |
What we would do differnently: This was an exceptionally designed and created print. Given all of the factors related to this print no changes would be made. This is going to be an example used to show others what is possible.
Next Steps for students: The lid of the storage container was dropped down to allow for the creation of a lid to go ontop of the design. This would allow the storage to be sealed.
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