Wednesday, September 20, 2017

3D Printed Student Lip Balm Holders

Above: Rounded Lip Balm Design.
Challenge: For students to produce an original working container that was suitable for holding liquid or lip balm.  Created by Y4/5 students in New Zealand who were nine and ten years old.
Background: Next term our cluster of four schools have a showcase where the students have worked this term on a significant project.  The class next door are making authentic products to showcase and as a result the students used Tinkercad to create a container for their product.
Above: Outside 'rafting' clearly visible
Level of Difficulty: Medium - both these designs needed significant adjustments which the students will repeat.   Both included text and design that were printed on the outside of the 3D Print, which contrasted with designs that have the lettering inserted into the base of the design.  These desings in addition were round in shape instead of being square.  When 'rafting' was removed the lettering itself would be removed from the shape, negating its effect.
Timeframe: For producing something such as this with an 8mm nozzle (various designs are shown all with slightly different timeframe) you are looking at a six to eight hour print time.  The prints are essentially variations of the same theme which is why I have group them all together in a similar post.  As a consequence these prints for various reason will be reprinted shortly.
Note lettering starting to be missing detail
Size: As above and shown in photograph.  The lids are in the 4cm to 6cm range, the base have a range from 6cm-10cm with a height in the range of 10cm to 20cm.
What we would do differently: The lettering will be redesigned to reflect the size of the prints - and an attempt to shift the lettering from featuring on the outside of the print to the inside.   This is illustrated in the print to the left which the lettering is starting to show signs of missing parts of the font.  We used an 8mm nozzle for this print, on reflection we could have shifted to a 4mm nozzle and this would have allowed more detail into the print - however the problem would have been that this would have doubled the print time and there are a number of prints in this run for the class of students that need to be completed, and this afterall is a prototype to test the production skills of the student and allow them a first attempt at 3D Printing.

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